The Church and its Mission


This is a study of how Christology informs Missiology, and how Missiology informs Ecclesiology. Do you ever wonder why we do church the way we do? An informed understanding of Christ and his mission should be the foundation from which we understand the purpose and activity of the church.


All the goals below are to be carried out in an atmosphere of the highest scholarly standards of conduct. 

Student Learning Goals
The Student will:
Attitude:  Students will develop the attitudes and posture of Christ toward his purpose and mission on earth.   Students will explore what types of church expressions function in the city currently.
Knowledge:  Students will understand and articulate a biblical Christology, Missiology and Ecclesiology   Students will understand and articulate some of the historical and current issues that shape how we express church.
Skill:  Students will develop skills in reflecting theologically and practically on God’s desire to move through the local church.


Class Contribution                                                      20%

Book Reviews                                                             40%

Site Review                                                                 10%

Critical Analysis and Reflection                                 30%


  1. Reading:  All texts in the required list (Part A) are to be read in their entirety.  Students are required to read just one book from (Part B). Scholarly articles will be made available in class.
  2. Written Assignments:

a. Book Reviews (2): Students are required to write two critical book reviews. The first, the student must choose one book from the required text list (Part A). The second, the student must choose one book from the required text list (Part B). All entries must include the author’s purpose in writing, a summary of the major sections, and basic arguments of each book, and also include personal reflection.  This work must be typed, double-spaced and use Book Review Outline provided in resources.

The review must be typed, double-spaced, and written in12 font size. Include bibliographic data, background of each author, purpose for writing, strengths and weaknesses, and personal impressions/impact that each book made on you. Please use outline provided.

b. Site Review: Each student will be asked to visit a church from the metropolitan area that expresses church differently from how their current does. The student will write a review based on that experience. Please use outline provided.

c. Critical Analysis and Reflection: Write an 8-10 page integrative paper on the Church and its Mission. You will be providing key biblical principles, pertinent texts, interviews, and class discussions in its design. Include an analysis and recommendations for the student’s current church context. Please use outline provided

  • Class Contribution: Weekly attendance and punctuality are crucial indicators of mature character formation and healthy discipleship development; therefore, students must comply with school policies in these areas. Also, cell phones, ear pieces are absolutely forbidden in class.  This course is designed to establish and nurture wholesome relationships based on direct, personal interaction and community-building free of technological adjuncts and distractions.   Non-compliance with this policy will result in the loss of a letter grade for the first infraction and a failure for the course.


  1. Attendance: Please contact the professor via email or voice mail regarding potential absences. All assignments are due on the date designated. 
  • Style Guide for written work:  (Give detail on how written assignments should be completed.  Indicate MLA, APA or other style guide students should follow.)
  • Academic Integrity and Plagiarism:  In a Christian college academic integrity is particularly important.  Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing (the unacknowledged use of other people’s words or ideas as though they were your own) will be subject to the penalties as described in the plagiarism policy in the college catalog and student handbook.
  • Electronic Devices:  It is expected that ALL electronic devices be MUTED during class time.  Do not answer phone calls or text messages during class.
  • Academic Quality:Remember that grades for assignments are based not only on the completion of the assignment but the quality of work produced.  The higher the quality of skills and abilities demonstrated, in areas such as expression and depth of thought, organization, writing, research, reporting, and observation, the higher the grade given to the assignment.   All written assignments will be completed using the __ style guide.
  • Communication with Instructor: Email will be the primary mode of communication with students, unless specified otherwise.  Please check your email regularly.

(Part A) Required Reading and Book Review:

  1. Fee, Gordon. Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle (Baker Academic, 2018). ISBN-13: 978-0801049828
  2. Frost, Michael. The Road to Missional: Journey To The Center Of The Church (Baker Books, 2011). ISBN-13:  978-0801014079

(Part B) Choose one of the following for your Third Book Review:

  1. Frost, Surprise the World (NavPress, 2015). ISBN-13: 978-1631465161
  1. Halter, Hugh. Flesh: Bringing the Incarnation Down to Earth. (David C Cook, 2014) ISBN:  978-0781409971
  1. Hellerman, Joseph. When the Church was a Family (B&H Academic, 2009). ISBN-13: 978-0805447798


Dr. Craig Fee

  • B. A., Wheaton College
  • M. A., (Organizational Leadership) Nyack College
  • Ph.D., (Organizational Management) Walden University

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